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WIP Progress and Frogging


Included in this week’s Blooming Daisies Crafts blog is a picture of the progress that has been achieved on the Dimensions (70-08948) Christmas Beach Chairs WIP. Stitching was moving right along until an error was discovered (why must it always be in a pivotal area of the picture?!) and as I wish to have the closest facsimile to the picture, the offending single stitch will need to be removed. I hear the sound of frogs already. Loud bullfrogs! In cross stitch vocabulary, I have to frog it.

The term “frogging” comes from the sound frogs make—“ribbit ribbit”. It very much sounds like “rip it, rip it”! In this case, the error appears to be pretty big and I have slowly begun to work my way towards fixing it in my mind. I will not give the exact coordinates but it is located at the intersection where the red, green, and blue threads all meet up. UGH. Cross stitch is not a linear art form, so it is hard to tell how much of each color that will need to be removed, recounted, and restitched. And, in the back of my mind, or maybe in the front, I look longingly at the Christmas Wreath WIP that I just moved to my stitching area to cheer me on to finish the Beach Chairs. Or maybe mock me. I cannot be sure. However, things in my past drive me to be a tad bit stubborn when it comes to finishing projects! (emphasis and sarcasm added by my sister….) So I will “rip it, rip it good!” and then “whip it, whip it ‘better’”!

Question, when you are frogging, if you have made a relatively big error, do you tear all the stitches out or do you try to work around your error? I have been known to do both. This time, without going into specifics, the stitching flaw is within the sole beach umbrella so I am not sure how noticeable it will be to the uninformed eye. But unfortunately, I am one of those people that will point out the error to people. My husband thinks most everything looks perfect and that it does not make sense telling people that you made a mistake. I can tell you, the information just simmers under the surface waiting for the right moment to burst out. That being said, I think the offending stitch and all that went after it is going to be ripped out. I will keep you posted.

Other news, Kimberly got the software for her quilting machine on Tuesday! Originally, we were so excited, and still are (I quilt vicariously thru her actions)! But as I mentioned in the last blog, the machine is “new to her,” and has had some points to contend with. While it is not “frogging” per se, she and her husband have had to back up some steps. The last owner proudly announced that she set it up herself. And, while that is remarkable, some parts had to be redone, adjusted, and leveled. My sister did liken it to “frogging,” not because of the sound though, just backing up to fix a mistake or two. It is a good thing that our parents raised us to be handy with tools, confident in our abilities, and know when to call in the professionals. As of this moment, the software has been installed and the YouTube videos have been catalogued. This weekend will begin the next part of her big adventure!

After the Gnome Sweet Gnome, my sister has a cross stitch WIP lined up to begin but was first lured back into piecing a quilt top for our brother’s granddaughter that just graduated from high school. The pattern is my sister’s design and kept her awake many nights as she imagined the final product. While pink and black are the main colors, it has fabrics that add to the character of the top. Many Blooming Daisies Crafts fabric scraps are included in the 30+ swatches! It is so cute and really embraces the graduate’s personality. She sends me pictures nearly every day and I cannot wait to see how looks once finished.

My husband and I have started a new home project. This is one of the aforementioned; “know when to call in the professionals” jobs. As you may remember, we moved into this home in 2021. Our last house was a new build and this house is not. It is an older home that needs some work but, at the time of purchase, we believed it is well worth the move as it had some features that were very important to us. The mantra, “Location, location, location” is real. With eyes wide open, we made the purchase, a list of upgrades we wanted to do, and a basic order for them. Truth to tell, resurfacing the pool was on the list but closer the bottom. Unfortunately, the pool sprung a leak and buoyed to the top of the To-Do list. Surprisingly, we were able to find a reputable company to begin work immediately. Tear out began on Labor Day. At this time, only half of the house’s inhabitants--the humans--are happy with the progress. Bella and Rosy have lost their doggy door privileges for now due to the chances of injury from the construction debris. We assure them that they will love the updates but they do not seem to be convinced.

This week’s featured product is our Flower Power!

Dust Covers

Q-Snap/WIP Project Bags

Grime Guards

Purple Flowers on White - Matches above Q-Snap Bags!

Needle Minders



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